The now infamous words of Kylie Jenner describing how she thought that 2016 would be the year of 'realising stuff' and we all ripped into her for it... The ironic thing is, I think she was sort of right.
Everyone makes that cliché saying ‘a
lot can happen in a year’ and to be fair, had I have been told this time last
year that after coming back from London after a bit of a mental break down I’d
be feeling proud of my years progress I’d be pretty bloody chuffed. I’ve been
quiet the past two months, content has been minimal (*ahem* non-exsistent
*ahem*) but it’s because I’ve had a lot going on, and honestly, I feel like
I’ve done a bit of soul searching. This sounds dramatic (in all honesty, it's not) but bare with me.
I’ve always known that I’m my harshest
critic, but getting to a point where I just felt so disappointed in myself that
I didn’t have the best job that I could get and that all my friends seem to be
leading creative, exciting, care-free lives, I hit a wall. Was I ever going to
be as good as them? Will I ever get that perfect job, doing something I love
every single day with a massive smile on my face? Will I ever live up to the
ridiculously high expectations I put on myself? And will I EVER get my
ass into a size 8 jean?!
It was only recently when I had an interview for a job that I had been researching into for so long that it dawned on me- what’s the rush? I know what I’m like and I know that my hunger to create a career is a big part me, but lets be serious, at the rate of the current climate I will probably working until I’m 90. So, if I’m not marketing director of a leading multi-million-fashion company by the age of 25 (okay, some aspirations may be a little far fetched) it is OKAY. I’m lucky enough to be in a position where I earn an reasonable amount- it isn’t where my passion lies but if I can get my head down for six months and bugger off to a hot destination for a few months knowing that there will always be another job to apply for when I get back, isn’t that a better and far more exciting alternative?
I had somehow trained my brain into
thinking that living the life in London was my only path ahead, but really
everyone knows (watch out, cheese alert) that life is full of unexpected turns
and it rarely turns out the way we plan to. I’m a firm believer in fate so
maybe not getting this job was for a reason, and it definitely made me realise
I don’t have it bad at all. While living at home with my mental family has its
downsides at times, coming home to a hot meal and a cuddle from Babs is enough
to make any crap day at work end a bit better. I’m somehow more in love with my
boyfriend than ever before, four years down the line. My friends are even more
ridiculous, hilarious, weird and bizarre but I wouldn’t have them any other
way. Hey, I’m even enjoying the gym at the moment, like da fuq..!?
Every year I always set myself some
little new years resolutions to live by- they’ve been given a lot of stick at the moment,
(#HaterzGoneHate) but I’m going to keep this little tradition and share them
with you regardless. Maybe not so religiously as usual but let’s see how it
1- Stop comparing:
it’s a game you always lose
This is a completely natural but a
notoriously irritating trait we all seem to have. ‘How does she look SO much
better in that dress than me?’ ‘Urgh why can he do so many press ups and I can
only manage one without collapsing!?’ ‘How is her photography on her blog so
amazing!!!?’ It gets so old so quickly and you manage to feel even
more shit about yourself than you did to start with. Every person is different so I
need to get out of the headset of trying to be ‘successful’ like everyone else. Nobody's success is defined as exactly the same and the beauty is that it isn't supposed to, so I need to remember that I can also
kick ass in my own way as well. It’s a working progress this one, but a resolution I hope to
be just slightly better at this time next year.
2- Grow some guns
Maybe this is one of those far fetched
aspirations…?! But hey, a gal has gotta dream. Bulging biceps aside, last year
I set a challenge of trying to get into the gym and get exercising, and this
was something I managed achieve. BodyRevolution has completely changed the way
I look at exercise so if I can keep going at least three times a week this
year, I’ll be a happy (ripped) bunny.
3- Bugger off for a
few months
As mentioned, by not getting the job I
wanted it’s somehow fuelled me to want to get my uncultured ass to foreign
destinations to explore, discover and just relax. I want to see parts of the
world that I’ve only heard about for myself and this is the one resolution I’m
determined to complete. And I am bloody excited about the things that it will
4- Exercise positive
The same as last years but it is
important. The world is better when you look on the bright and positive side of
things- and in the words of Roald Dahl “A person who has good thoughts cannot
ever be ugly. You can have a wonky nose and a crooked mouth and a double chin
and stick-out teeth, but if you have good thoughts they will shine out of your
face like sunbeams and you will always look lovely.”
That’s all from me today, if you’ve
managed to read to the end of this post thank you and I hope you enjoyed it. It’s
nice to get some things off your chest and I hope that it brings reassurance to
anyone who was having a bit of bleak end of last year to make 2017 a better
more positive year where you focus on your mental and physical happiness and
not on what you think you should be doing instead. This is also proof that
Fashion Captive as back and a promise from me to get posting more than 2016- happy
new year you lovely lot, and lets make 2017 the best yet.
Have you guys made any resolutions this
A x
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